Sunday, March 3, 2013

Working with the Worms

Although today was my blow-off day (see my post titled My wonderful gift!), I did spend about an hour getting new layers of bedding ready to start moving my worms up and out of the bottom level of my bins.
Here is how worms work: if you put the kitchen waste into a layer of bedding above the layer that they are in, they will move up in search of food when they've depleted the waste in the bottom level.  So, since they have pretty much outgrown the bottom level of my bins, I made new levels of bedding for them, and added just a little bit of waste to the middle level.  I prepared the bedding (made of shredded newspapers and coconut coir) on the top level, too, but I'll only add kitchen waste to that level when I know that my worms are smart enough to figure out how to migrate UP in search of food.  So far, no smell is coming from my worm bins, at all!

That little pod that is yellow? Worm cocoon!

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