Saturday, June 1, 2013

And we have APPLES and GRAPES!

After several years of nothingness, my Honey Crisp apple tree has decided to provide us with some apples!  Last year, there wasn't a single blossom on that tree, but it was a horrible year for apples in Wisconsin anyway.  This year?  Blossoms on both of my apple trees.  I can't remember what the other tree is... maybe a Jonathan or something like that?  Apparently, both trees were able to pollinate, and I have baby apples on BOTH trees!

I also have baby grapes on both of my grape vines!  They are very tiny right now.  I'll have to do some research to learn about taking care of my little grapes.  I'm kind of worried about pests getting to them.  I'm trying to keep chemicals off my fruits, but I also want to try my produce.