Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hard Times Ahead

This weekend is going to be filled with hard work.  Lots of hard work.
First, there will be tilling and hoeing.  There will be a pitchfork wielding maniac.  There will be lots of sighs and maybe even some blood.  Maybe even some building and swearing.

These babies need to get in the ground!  Some of the plants have three blooms.... can't wait to pop them into the ground and have them take off.

Some good news when I was walking the garden the other day.  The rhubarb is HUGE and ready to use/sell/barter.  I have lots of dill that has seeded again this year.  My grapes are looking great, and my blackberries DIDN'T actually die.  Yahoo!

And, finally, I have a funny story about the importance of reading directions.  I planted Fish pepper plants for my friend Ros.  They started out like all the other pepper plants.  Pretty soon, the Fish plants that had been transplanted first started to look funny.  I worried that this was because the plants grew so big so fast.  I looked for bugs... no luck.  I search for fungi or some other type of disease.  The leaves were turning funny colors!!!

Read the instructions, Kate.  The leaves of this pepper (and one of the selling points) are variegated in color.  I guess that the peppers are supposed to be funky colored, also.  Geez.  Maybe I should have read the discription before assuming that my plant was dying!

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