Monday, May 27, 2013

Fresh Earth

Tim worked so hard this weekend getting my garden all ready to plant.  I was supposed to get things ready on Friday night, but I didn't get around to it.  I was far too lazy on Friday.  Tim worked until after midnight on Friday night, so he was pretty tired on Saturday morning.  I poked and prodded him until he rolled out of bed and drove to town to pick up the tiller.  I had called to reserve it earlier in the week.  When I called, the lady talked me into getting the front tine tiller instead of the rear tine that I had asked to reserve.  I should have stayed strong.... it took Tim about seven hours to finish.  Last time, we got the rear tine tiller, and it wasn't nearly as much work for Tim.

I tried to take lots of before and after pictures... here are the before pictures:

Tim worked all morning on the garden.  He started a tiny bit after nine, and got done at about four thirty.  Of course, he took a couple of short breaks.... but he didn't even stop for lunch.

And, finally, he was finished.  My gardens look amazing!  There are still many weeds that need to be plucked out before I plant, but for the most part... it's pretty clear!

I planted Mackenzie's favorite vegetable to enjoy over the summer~ straight necked yellow squash.  I put newspapers all around it to try and suppress the weeds.  To the left, you can see a sunflower that has fallen over.  It's looking pretty wilted.

I planted the above cucumber to vine up one of the supports for my grapes.  It started wilting immediately.  I watered it and hoped it would perk back up.  Two days later, it has perked up a bit, and I think it might survive!


  1. That looks amazing and full of future promises of full tummies! Keep up the great work!

  2. Holy smackerel, girlfriend -- your garden looks ENORMOUS! How many sq ft do you grow??? Someone definitely does *not* need a tower... :)

  3. Only 3300 square feet ;)
    I don't think I'll need a tower for at least a couple of years. Bigger is better, though! Right? Or maybe bigger is just more work...
