Monday, June 18, 2012

Taking a break!

I love to take breaks.  Sometimes, I just take a break when I haven't really done any work to break from.  Today is one of those days.  It's hot.  I'm cranky.  I can already tell that when I open my mouth, it's not going to be pretty.  Good thing I won't have to see any people until Tim gets home from work this afternoon.  Grrrr...

Anyway, on to talking about my garden!  It rained a little bit on Saturday, and it also rained last night.  I'm really happy about that, as it saves me a lot of work.  Instead of running around with sprinklers and hoses, I can just let the rain water work it's magic.

I'm kind of embarrassed that I have some planting left to do.  I've finished painting an old milk can, I've finished painting the trim on our little shed (future chicken coop) and I've finished a couple of other projects.  But, I still have some plants to get into the ground.  Onion sets, tomatoes, and jalapeno peppers are left for me to plant.  Embarrassing....

Maybe I'll pick some berries instead :)  Last week, I picked the strawberries that were ready to go.  I need to do that again today.  Instead of talking about it, I should just go do it.  I took pictures of the steps, and got a pretty good sized container in the freezer for the kids to enjoy when they return from Houston.

This week, I also need to pick the wild berries.  There are black caps and mulberries that are ready to be picked.  Of course, it's almost noon, and I'm not sure that I want to be running around out there at the hottest part of the day.  Don't these look delicious?

The last thing I want to post is a picture of my old metal swing that I used to swing on.  It can get kind of windy around here, and during the first year that we had this swing, the top awning blew off.  So, I was forced to sit out in the sun, but it was still so comfortable and nice to swing in it.  Next, the seat cushions got all ripped up and nasty.  There was still the fabric bottom of the swing, though.  So, though not very comfortable, I made due.  After about four years, we decided to retire the swing.  It sat in the junk pile for a long time, until I got the idea that it might make a good trellis!  So, Mackenzie and I drug it out of the junk pile and gave it new life!  This picture is after I first got it in the garden and planted some seeds around it.  I'll try to update pictures as it grows.

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