Saturday, May 19, 2012

Keeping Up

Keeping up with the garden is really hard when you decide to go away for a week.  I am now behind in my planting.  I'm lucky that I have a few things that are growing all on their own, so I don't have to feel awful about not having any plants.

My Strawberry Bed
Shredded Paper Mulch
Today was a fairly productive day.  We had a lot of places that we needed to be, but on the way home from our last commitment of the day I stopped for some potting soil.  I need to plant some more lettuce and spinach in my special salad planter.

The empty lettuce planter sits.... lonely...
Well, as we were walking into the store (to buy potting soil, remember) I started to think about the party I'm throwing for my grandma.  She's turning 90, and I'm having a party for her next weekend.  If people are coming over to my house, I'd better make sure I have a pretty garden for them to enjoy, right?  It's almost like a graduation party!  So, I started buying flowers.  $76 worth of flowers.

My deck planters are going to be more functional this year.  I am planting an herb or veggie plant in almost every planter.  Here is one of my favorite planters, with a tomato growing:

The planters are all ready for plants!
My finished planter, complete with a tomato plant!

I also took a picture of my shade garden today.  I can't believe how huge it grew in just one year.  My hostas have all filled out, and are keeping the weeds down to a minimum.  It literally took me less than an hour to weed my garden this year!  I'll include both a before and after picture.

My shade garden in its infancy...

The same exact garden, this year!
I am also getting little fruits growing all around my yard.  The rhubarb is huge (and for sale!!), I have baby cherries on my tree, and a blossom on my blackberry plant.  My favorite, though?  The strawberries have baby strawberries!!! I will have berries by June, I am sure.  Mackenzie mulched with shredded paper, so the weeds are not even an issue right now.

Blackberry Blossom
Baby Cherries
Today we planted our deck planters, two hanging baskets, garlic, and five tomatoes.  We have a lot to do, still.  I hope we'll be able to get more done tomorrow morning... but the threat of rain makes me nervous!

I planted hanging baskets for my deck...
now if I could only remember to water them!
Last year, I made this cucumber trellis out of stuff I had around our house.
It works really well, and as soon as I relocate the strawberries to the left, I'm planting my cucs!


  1. How is that paper mulch working out for you guys? Our strawberries are currently unmulched, and I didn't see anything other than cedar or bark mulch in the stores. We might borrow our in-laws paper shredder for a few hours :)

  2. Hey Kate,
    One of my goals this summer is to start a blog. I just got started not too long ago and added some posts today. I also wanted to link your site to mine, as I knew they had related topics. Well, when I visited your blog this afternoon, I realized that we have the same background - ha! Great minds think alike I guess. :)

    Here's the link to my site, just in case you are interested in checking it out. There's nothing too exciting on it yet, but there's more to come...

    Wendy :)

  3. LOVED the paper mulch. I would highly recommend it!
